UFO Sighting in London

the way this looks, it could just be the moon.

Yes, another sighting. And this time it's actually quite close to home for me. Okay yes it's a 6 hour drive to the UK, but in theory it's just over the North Sea.
Today a new video emerged on the BBC website, of 5 flying disks above the BBC building.
Several people that were passing by noticed the disks and ofcourse immediately got out their iPhone/Camera whatever, they filmed it and made sure they got on camera.
Many people are sceptical about the pictures, ofcoure photoshop can do wonders these days, so adding a few disk looking objects into the sky is peanuts. And I must admit, I was a bit sceptical when I saw the title. But the video does show that there are some weird things going on in the sky these days.
The E.T. aren't as subtle as they used to be ...

Anyway, so you can see it for yourself right ? Flying objects in the sky. Impossible to be an aircraft, since they don't make those sudden changes of direction. And I don't exactly know what else it could be.

We'll probably hear from this again.

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